89 lines
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89 lines
4.1 KiB
from datetime import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from ibkr import Client, OptionLeg
from ibkr.option_type import CALL, PUT
from ibkr.order_action import BUY, SELL
from os import getenv
def enter_iron_condor():
ibkr_host = getenv('IBKR_HOST')
ibkr_port = getenv('IBKR_PORT')
ibkr_client = Client(host = ibkr_host, port = ibkr_port)
symbol, sub_symbol = 'SPX', 'SPXW'
expiration = datetime.now()
underlying_ticker = ibkr_client.get_ticker(symbol, 'CBOE')
current_price = underlying_ticker.last
# Filtering strikes based on distance from current price speeds up the request.
max_strike_distance = 100
def contract_filter(contract):
if contract.right == CALL:
return contract.strike <= (current_price + max_strike_distance) and contract.strike >= current_price
return contract.strike <= current_price and contract.strike >= (current_price - max_strike_distance)
# The weekly symbol for SPX (SPXW) is required in order to distinguish from monthly options.
option_chain = ibkr_client.get_option_chain(symbol, expiration, sub_symbol = sub_symbol, contract_filter = contract_filter)
target_delta = 0.10
def closest_contract_by_delta(target_delta, option_chain, option_type):
options = option_chain[option_chain['Type'] == option_type].copy()
options['Delta Distance'] = abs(options['Delta'] - target_delta)
return options.loc[options['Delta Distance'].idxmin()]
# Find the strikes that minimize the distance to the target delta.
short_put_contract = closest_contract_by_delta(-target_delta, option_chain, PUT)
short_call_contract = closest_contract_by_delta(target_delta, option_chain, CALL)
# When selecting long strikes, minimize the distance to a 50 point spread.
# TODO: Select long strike based on preferred price.
target_long_put_strike = short_put_contract['Strike'] - 50
target_long_call_strike = short_call_contract['Strike'] + 50
def closest_contract_by_strike(target_strike, option_chain, option_type):
options = option_chain[option_chain['Type'] == option_type].copy()
options['Strike Distance'] = abs(options['Strike'] - target_strike)
return options.loc[options['Strike Distance'].idxmin()]
long_put_contract = closest_contract_by_strike(target_long_put_strike, option_chain, PUT)
long_call_contract = closest_contract_by_strike(target_long_call_strike, option_chain, CALL)
# Build the iron condor.
short_put_strike = float(short_put_contract['Strike'])
long_put_strike = float(long_put_contract['Strike'])
short_call_strike = float(short_call_contract['Strike'])
long_call_strike = float(long_call_contract['Strike'])
print('Short Put Strike:', short_put_strike)
print('Long Put Strike:', long_put_strike)
print('Short Call Strike:', short_call_strike)
print('Long Call Strike:', long_call_strike)
short_call_leg = OptionLeg(symbol, expiration, short_call_strike, CALL, SELL, sub_symbol)
long_call_leg = OptionLeg(symbol, expiration, long_call_strike, CALL, BUY, sub_symbol)
call_spread_order = ibkr_client.submit_combo_option_order([short_call_leg, long_call_leg], 1)
while not call_spread_order.isDone():
if call_spread_order.orderStatus.status == 'Filled':
fill_price = call_spread_order.orderStatus.avgFillPrice
print('Call Spread Fill Price: ', fill_price)
ibkr_client.submit_stop_loss_order(call_spread_order, fill_price * 2)
short_put_leg = OptionLeg(symbol, expiration, short_put_strike, PUT, SELL, sub_symbol)
long_put_leg = OptionLeg(symbol, expiration, long_put_strike, PUT, BUY, sub_symbol)
put_spread_order = ibkr_client.submit_combo_option_order([short_put_leg, long_put_leg], 1)
while not put_spread_order.isDone():
if put_spread_order.orderStatus.status == 'Filled':
fill_price = put_spread_order.orderStatus.avgFillPrice
print('Put Spread Fill Price: ', fill_price)
ibkr_client.submit_stop_loss_order(put_spread_order, fill_price * 2) |