#region Using declarations using NinjaTrader.Cbi; using NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators; using System; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; #endregion namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Strategies { public class TwoPeriodRSI : Strategy { private SMA longTermTrend; private SMA shortTermTrend; private RSI rsi; protected override void OnStateChange() { if (State == State.SetDefaults) { Name = "2 Period RSI"; Description = @"Taken from chapter 9 of Short Term Trading Strategies That Work"; Calculate = Calculate.OnBarClose; EntriesPerDirection = 1; RSIPeriod = 2; RSISmoothing = 1; LongEntryThreshold = 5; ShortEntryThreshold = 95; LongTermTrendPeriod = 200; ShortTermTrendPeriod = 5; UseFixedPositionSizing = false; FixedPositionSize = 10000; LongOnly = false; } else if (State == State.DataLoaded) { longTermTrend = SMA(LongTermTrendPeriod); shortTermTrend = SMA(ShortTermTrendPeriod); rsi = RSI(RSIPeriod, RSISmoothing); } } protected override void OnBarUpdate() { if (CurrentBar < Math.Max(LongTermTrendPeriod, ShortTermTrendPeriod)) return; int quantity; if (UseFixedPositionSizing) quantity = (int)Math.Floor(FixedPositionSize / Close[0]); else quantity = 1; if (Close[0] > longTermTrend[0] && rsi[0] < LongEntryThreshold) { if (Position.MarketPosition != MarketPosition.Long) EnterLong(quantity); } else if (Close[0] < longTermTrend[0] && rsi[0] > ShortEntryThreshold && !LongOnly) { if (Position.MarketPosition != MarketPosition.Short) EnterShort(quantity); } if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long && Close[0] > shortTermTrend[0]) ExitLong(); else if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Short && Close[0] < shortTermTrend[0]) ExitShort(); } public override string DisplayName { get { return Name; } } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "RSI Period", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 1)] public int RSIPeriod { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "RSI Smoothing", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 2)] public int RSISmoothing { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Long Entry Threshold", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 3)] public int LongEntryThreshold { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Short Entry Threshold", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 4)] public int ShortEntryThreshold { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Long Term Trend Period", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 5)] public int LongTermTrendPeriod { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Short Term Trend Period", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 6)] public int ShortTermTrendPeriod { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Use Fixed Position Sizing", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 7)] public bool UseFixedPositionSizing { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Fixed Position Size", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 8)] public int FixedPositionSize { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Long Only", GroupName = "2 Period RSI", Order = 9)] public bool LongOnly { get; set; } } }