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#region Using declarations
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using NinjaTrader.Gui;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
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using System.Globalization;
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using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
//This namespace holds Indicators in this folder and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators
[CategoryOrder("VIX Ratio", 1)]
[CategoryOrder("Plots", 2)]
public class VIXRatio : Indicator
private const int NumeratorBars = 1;
private const int DenominatorBars = 2;
private EMA fastEMA;
private EMA slowEMA;
protected override void OnStateChange()
if (State == State.SetDefaults)
Description = @"Only works with a data feed that provides the relevant VIX indices";
Name = "VIX Ratio";
Calculate = Calculate.OnBarClose;
BarsRequiredToPlot = 1;
IsOverlay = false;
DisplayInDataBox = true;
DrawOnPricePanel = true;
PaintPriceMarkers = false;
ScaleJustification = ScaleJustification.Right;
Numerator = VIXIndex.VIX;
Denominator = VIXIndex.VIX3M;
FastEMAPeriod = 7;
SlowEMAPeriod = 12;
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AddPlot(new Stroke(Brushes.Yellow, 3), PlotStyle.Line, "VIX Ratio");
AddPlot(new Stroke(Brushes.Green, 3), PlotStyle.Line, "Fast EMA");
AddPlot(new Stroke(Brushes.Red, 3), PlotStyle.Line, "Slow EMA");
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else if (State == State.Configure)
else if (State == State.DataLoaded)
fastEMA = EMA(Ratio, FastEMAPeriod);
slowEMA = EMA(Ratio, SlowEMAPeriod);
protected override void OnBarUpdate()
if (CurrentBars[NumeratorBars] < 1 || CurrentBars[DenominatorBars] < 1)
// Denominator bars should be processed last according to NT documentation on bar processing order.
if (BarsInProgress == DenominatorBars)
Ratio[0] = Closes[NumeratorBars][0] / Closes[DenominatorBars][0];
if (CurrentBar >= Math.Max(FastEMAPeriod, SlowEMAPeriod))
FastEMA[0] = fastEMA[0];
SlowEMA[0] = slowEMA[0];
public override string DisplayName
get { return Numerator.ToString() + " / " + Denominator.ToString(); }
[Display(Name = "Numerator", Order = 1, GroupName = "VIX Ratio")]
public VIXIndex Numerator { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Denominator", Order = 2, GroupName = "VIX Ratio")]
public VIXIndex Denominator { get; set; }
[Range(1, int.MaxValue)]
[Display(Name = "Fast EMA Period", Order = 3, GroupName = "VIX Ratio")]
public int FastEMAPeriod { get; set; }
[Range(1, int.MaxValue)]
[Display(Name = "Slow EMA Period", Order = 4, GroupName = "VIX Ratio")]
public int SlowEMAPeriod { get; set; }
public Series<double> Ratio
get { return Values[0]; }
public Series<double> FastEMA
get { return Values[1]; }
public Series<double> SlowEMA
get { return Values[2]; }
public enum VIXIndex
public static class VIXIndexExtensions
public static string ToSymbol(this VIXIndex value)
switch (value)
case VIXIndex.VIX1D:
return "^VIX1D";
case VIXIndex.VIX9D:
return "^VIX9D";
case VIXIndex.VIX3M:
return "^VIX3M";
case VIXIndex.VIX6M:
return "^VIX6M";
case VIXIndex.VIX1Y:
return "^VIX1Y";
return "^VIX";
public class VIXIndexConverter : TypeConverter
private const string VIX1D = "VIX1D";
private const string VIX9D = "VIX9D";
private const string VIX = "VIX";
private const string VIX3M = "VIX3M";
private const string VIX6M = "VIX6M";
private const string VIX1Y = "VIX1Y";
public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return new StandardValuesCollection(new List<string> { VIX1D, VIX9D, VIX, VIX3M, VIX6M, VIX1Y });
public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
switch (value.ToString())
case VIX1D:
return VIXIndex.VIX1D;
case VIX9D:
return VIXIndex.VIX9D;
case VIX3M:
return VIXIndex.VIX3M;
case VIX6M:
return VIXIndex.VIX6M;
case VIX1Y:
return VIXIndex.VIX1Y;
return VIXIndex.VIX;
public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
VIXIndex enumValue = (VIXIndex)Enum.Parse(typeof(VIXIndex), value.ToString());
switch (enumValue)
case VIXIndex.VIX1D:
return VIX1D;
case VIXIndex.VIX9D:
return VIX9D;
case VIXIndex.VIX3M:
return VIX3M;
case VIXIndex.VIX6M:
return VIX6M;
case VIXIndex.VIX1Y:
return VIX1Y;
return VIX;
public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
{ return true; }
public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType)
{ return true; }
public override bool GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
{ return true; }
public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
{ return true; }
#region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.
namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators
public partial class Indicator : NinjaTrader.Gui.NinjaScript.IndicatorRenderBase
private VIXRatio[] cacheVIXRatio;
public VIXRatio VIXRatio(VIXIndex numerator, VIXIndex denominator, int fastEMAPeriod, int slowEMAPeriod)
return VIXRatio(Input, numerator, denominator, fastEMAPeriod, slowEMAPeriod);
public VIXRatio VIXRatio(ISeries<double> input, VIXIndex numerator, VIXIndex denominator, int fastEMAPeriod, int slowEMAPeriod)
if (cacheVIXRatio != null)
for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheVIXRatio.Length; idx++)
if (cacheVIXRatio[idx] != null && cacheVIXRatio[idx].Numerator == numerator && cacheVIXRatio[idx].Denominator == denominator && cacheVIXRatio[idx].FastEMAPeriod == fastEMAPeriod && cacheVIXRatio[idx].SlowEMAPeriod == slowEMAPeriod && cacheVIXRatio[idx].EqualsInput(input))
return cacheVIXRatio[idx];
return CacheIndicator<VIXRatio>(new VIXRatio(){ Numerator = numerator, Denominator = denominator, FastEMAPeriod = fastEMAPeriod, SlowEMAPeriod = slowEMAPeriod }, input, ref cacheVIXRatio);
namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.MarketAnalyzerColumns
public partial class MarketAnalyzerColumn : MarketAnalyzerColumnBase
public Indicators.VIXRatio VIXRatio(VIXIndex numerator, VIXIndex denominator, int fastEMAPeriod, int slowEMAPeriod)
return indicator.VIXRatio(Input, numerator, denominator, fastEMAPeriod, slowEMAPeriod);
public Indicators.VIXRatio VIXRatio(ISeries<double> input , VIXIndex numerator, VIXIndex denominator, int fastEMAPeriod, int slowEMAPeriod)
return indicator.VIXRatio(input, numerator, denominator, fastEMAPeriod, slowEMAPeriod);
namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Strategies
public partial class Strategy : NinjaTrader.Gui.NinjaScript.StrategyRenderBase
public Indicators.VIXRatio VIXRatio(VIXIndex numerator, VIXIndex denominator, int fastEMAPeriod, int slowEMAPeriod)
return indicator.VIXRatio(Input, numerator, denominator, fastEMAPeriod, slowEMAPeriod);
public Indicators.VIXRatio VIXRatio(ISeries<double> input , VIXIndex numerator, VIXIndex denominator, int fastEMAPeriod, int slowEMAPeriod)
return indicator.VIXRatio(input, numerator, denominator, fastEMAPeriod, slowEMAPeriod);