2. Make sure Intraday Data Storage Time Unit is set to 1 Tick and that the Maximum Historical Intraday Days to Download for 1-Tick Data is set to a period long enough to download all the data in the contract (doesn't have to be 730 days as shown in the screenshot, 45-60 days should be more than enough).
The exported tick data can be converted into the format that NinjaTrader expects by running the script ```convert_tick_data.py```.
The script depends on ```pandas```, so make sure the package is installed.
Make sure to specify the file exported from Sierra Chart as the input and name the output file accordingly.
The output file name matters, so refer to [NinjaTrader's documentation](https://ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/nt8/NT%20HelpGuide%20English.html?importing.htm) on importing tick data for more information.
> When using the NinjaTrader format, the name of the text file to be imported must be the NinjaTrader instrument name followed by a period and "Last", "Bid", or "Ask" depending on the data type. For example:
> MSFT.Last.txt for Microsoft stock last price data
> ES 12-09.Bid.txt for the S&P E-mini December contract bid price data
> EURUSD.Ask.txt for the Euro/U.S. dollar currency pair ask price data